GARDENS Magazine - September/October 2014
Feature Articles
Wisps in the wind
Billowing, mounding, arching, these plants are beauty in motion.
Treasure trove of trees
Texas bed and breakfast nurtures guests amid native oaks.
Jazz up your fall
As temperatures cool, gardeners relish time for a show.
Onions and their cousins
From chives to garlic, they delight in cool weather.
From the Sperry Garden
On a Personal Note:
Rationing and gratitude.
Ask Neil:
Cotton root rot, freeze damage, evergreen wisteria, and more.
Lone Stars
Rising Star: Acalypha wilkesiana 'Tiki Tropical Tempest'
A bold, sun-loving alternative to the time-honored corton.
Parsley's Spicy Cousin -- Cilantro
The easy-to-grow Tex-Mex herb prefers cool weather.
Lovely Lacey Oak
A Texas Superstar TM that's perfect for residential landscapes.
Designing Texas
Passionate About Purple
Dark foliage and flowers for unfailing garden drama.
Finishing Touch
Garden Arches
The gold standard in outdoor focal points.