Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Just landed stateside from seven days in Yucatan. Cancun to Chichen Itza to Merida; returning through Mani and a mind-altering maze of tiny villages. Part vacation; part research for my …
So…it all started when I agreed to do an overnight road trip to Beaumont to give a program to the Magnolia Garden Club. I hoped the trip would provide fodder …
A few months ago, and a thousand miles away, I entered the same grocery store where I first shoplifted. I remember well that it was 1972, and I stole a …
Today, I find myself lamenting the late Andy Rooney (1919-2011), that inquisitive fellow who used to wrap up the 60 Minutes television show with a brief segment of whimsical satire …
Six days; five presentations; nine new friends; 1397.2 miles. Solo round-trip from Weatherford to Brownsville…the scenic route. All that remains is a head full of memories and a few tattered …
A Texas Adventure for Hemlock Holmes & Dodder Watson It was another dark and stormy night, and I’m sure Neil Sperry thought to himself, “It sure seems to rain a …
Still under the emotional influence of my 40th high school reunion the night before, Michael Brice, my best friend from those days, coaxed me into trading a day of watching …
A Horticultural Murder Mystery…To Die For! It was a dark and stormy night…and I watched from a covered porch across the street as Mary Gold, wearing an Irish Petticoat, paced …