Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Note from Neil…This story, a great one, first appeared in e-gardens in November 2018. It’s even more fitting in this year of the pandemic. Many of you did not see …
Got asked to do some Master Gardener Intern training back at my old stomping grounds, Chandor Gardens. I’m always happy to oblige when asked to do anything for the Parker …
“Time is too long to those who mourn, too short to those who laugh,but to those who love, time is eternity.”—Theodore Klein Once in a great while, I get lucky …
(I can’t believe I’m writing the first seven words of this article…)Since the mid-August cool down began, things are looking up at the Longview Arboretum & Nature Center. Sooooo, if …
Preface from Neil…I got a call from my dear friend Steven Chamblee first thing this morning. He’d been up since 3, and figurative wads of paper were all over the …
So I’m buzzing around the arboretum on the Gator, hauling pine straw bales and other supplies to keep the volunteers happy and on task, when I stop to fill a …
So I’m out there in the developing Southern Living Garden, diggin’ holes and pluggin’ shrubs with a first-time volunteer named Chance. As one of my regular volunteers, Joyce, is nearing …
10:05pm…and I am up for the day. My circadian rhythm, which is peculiar enough already, was sucker-punched by the Great Easter Power Blackout that rendered my trusty CPAP as worthless …