Handmade Pens from the Workshop of Neil Sperry

Neil Sperry's Handmade Pens

For more than 20 years I have turned pens from rare and historic woods. Each pen has taken, on average, two hours to complete from the time I cut the raw wood until I turned and polished the pen.

More than 3,300 of you have bought pens from me, and in the process you have helped me raise hundreds of thousands of dollars in support of Serenity High in McKinney and before that, other substance recovery programs for youth. Thank you!

Unfortunately, many months of dealing with migraine-associated vertigo have made it almost impossible to stand at my band saw and lathe. For the time being I have suspended all turning and sales of the pens, but I am leaving this page active on my website in the hopes that the progress I’ve been making will continue to the point that I’ll be able to turn once again.

Please watch here and on my Facebook page. When I’m able to resume pen turning and sales I will let you know immediately. I appreciate all your support through the years!

Neil Turning Pens

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