Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Bonsai specimens created with native plants, on exhibit in the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center courtyard. Photo by Joe Marcus. Cedar elm (Ulmus crassifolia). Photos by Joe Marcus. Bonsai with …
The First Ladies Water Garden is one of the gardens in the United States Botanic Garden in Washington D.C. Photo by Leslie Ernst, University of Texas at Austin. First Ladies …
Mustang grapes (Vitis mustangensis) can be harvested and cured as grape “olives” when they are the size of marbles or merely the size of peas. Top photo by Melody Lytle. Bottom …
These cecropria moths are among nearly 100 eclosed (hatched) in the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center’s insectary about one week ago. Photos by Philip Hawkins. Life is a miracle. Nature …
Turk’s cap (top) and giant spiderwort (bottom) can coexist nicely, each claiming its own showtime during the year. Photos courtesy of Andrea DeLong-Amaya. So, you had a lovely stand of …
Agarita berries are delectable to birds in winter. During the bleak dormancy of the waning months of the year and into the wee months of the next, we all crave …
Most parts of the country regard September as the beginning of fall. Here in Texas, when daytime highs linger persistently in the mid-nineties, it is quite a challenge to trust …
During the wicked hot months of a Texas summer, only after the sun retires are we ready to venture out and relish the fresh air of an evening garden. Many …