Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
AgaritoBerberis trifoliata With so many plants competing in their spring floral displays, agarito is one native shrub that provides landscape interest through every season. Fragrant, saffron-yellow flowers smother its branches …
I know no gardener who detests butterflies in the garden, but I know many who wish their plants weren’t all chewed up by those awful “worms”! Before you go pinching …
Designing with Form and Texture Using Texas Native Plants Creating beautiful gardens with native plants requires consideration of more than just color (the main focus for most gardeners). Artful planting …
Drab and wan does not have to describe your winter garden. Texas provides us with a healthy selection of native options for a winter garden including evergreen plants of varying …
Native grasses provide seed sources for birds and other wildlife. The leaves are used by many animals for nest-building and serve as larval food sources for a variety of skipper …
Did brutal heat and drought wreak havoc on your garden this summer? Maybe it is a blessing in disguise, giving you more room to try some new garden treats! With …
Alpine plants are what come to most people’s minds when they think of rock gardens. Much of Texas is blessed with natural stone – sandstone in East Texas, limestone in …
This has been a great summer to evaluate the toughest of plant choices for the landscape. Showy blooms are highly prized, but foliage color and texture should not be overlooked. …