Blackberries in Texas
If you’re looking for fruit you can grow in your home garden, look no farther than blackberries. They’re inexpensive. They’re delicious. They’re easy. And now, some are even thornless. What’s not to like about blackberries!
You’re at the prime planting time for blackberries. Nurseries, feed stores and Texas-based mail order sources have good supplies. Surely you have room for a few plants.
I have an outstanding resource for you as you prepare to plant blackberries. Written by three of Texas A&M’s finest horticulturists, it covers all the details. I can tell you that I’ve had great results growing blackberries over the years, but I’m going to turn to the pros to share the details of how best to get there. You might want to bookmark or print this recent Extension publication for future reference.
Important radio announcement: For the past 34 years I have turned my radio program over to Dr. George Ray McEachern of Texas A&M. He’s a fruit and pecan specialist (not my strong suits), and he answers your fruit production questions for the entire program.
Whether you have an orchard or a few trees in your backyard, you won’t want to miss it. To help you remember, we’ve always done it on the same Sunday as the Super Bowl. This year: Sunday, February 5, 8-10 a.m. on WBAP 820AM. The program streams live, and a podcast of the program will be at by that Monday evening.