Superior Vine for Texas Landscapes

As I’ve told you probably too often, I grew up in little College Station (pop. 6,000) back when you could still walk from one side of town to the other.

When I left for Ohio State to finish my undergrad work and then to complete a Masters degree, Carolina jessamine didn’t exist in the retail garden centers that I went to.

Carolina jessamine was in full bloom several years ago when Lynn and I visited Blue Moon Gardens in Chandler.

That was the 60s, but when Lynn and I moved back and I started working in Dallas, this plant was just about everywhere. It’s not as common currently, but it’s going to cycle back into favor with a new set of fans before long. I’m glad to help.

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Showy little blossoms are incredibly fragrant.

Reasons I love this vine…
Refined twining grower, to 15 to 20 ft. Excellent on posts, trellises, and fences.
Evergreen. Most flowering vines are deciduous.
Grows well in full or part shade. More tolerant of shade than most other flowering vines.
Bright yellow blooms in early spring.
Fragrant flowers.
Also effective as a tumbling groundcover to spill over rock retaining walls.

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This stunning display looked this great just two years after planting. Flowers lasted 15-20 days.

Planting tips…
Hardiness Zones 7-10.
Buy when you find it in retail garden centers. Supplies diminish quickly.
Transport plants home in enclosed trailer or under cover in pickup.
Plant immediately. Nothing good happens when any container plant sits around the driveway in pots.
Space plants 6-7 ft. apart on supports.
Plant into well-prepared garden soil to which significant amounts of organic matter have been added.
Plant at same depth as grown in container.
Lean plant against its support instead of trying to untie vine from stake.
Water thoroughly immediately after planting and every 3-5 days for the first summer.
Benefits from iron/sulfur additives as well as nitrogen during growing season.

Posted by Neil Sperry
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