Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
As promised, here’s your early November list of gardening responsibilities. PLANT• Replace summer color plants with pansies, violas, pinks, snapdragons, ornamental cabbage and kale, sweet alyssum and other cold-hardy plants …
Your “smart” phone will tell you when, on average, you can expect the first killing freeze in your city. Try it. Just ask Google or Siri or whatever name you …
What is this lovely little plant with the great smell of licorice or anise? Is it easy to grow in my garden? Let’s answer some questions. Mexican mint marigold. Tagetes …
Dear Reader,I proudly, yet humbly, give all due credit to the late, great Robin Williams for anything enjoyable you may find about this little, shall we say “article,” because I …
As November begins to unfold almost all of Texas is likely to experience its first killing freeze. That’s one example of things for which we need to prepare this month. …
Lynn and I have been going to the same great dentist (Dr. Paul Spence in McKinney) for many years. So, apparently, has this corn plant dracaena that sits in his …
It’s nice when you find a plant than can handle two tasks. Such it is with persimmons. Obviously, they produce edible fruit, but they’re also lovely small landscaping trees. Our …
When it comes to color, there’s nothing timid about fall flowers. As if to outdo pumpkins, gourds and the captivating tones of Indian corn, fall gardens raise the color bar …