Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
It’s not that I have a beef with machines…heck, I’m writing this on one and you’re reading it on another. It’s not that I eschew mass production…my truck and home …
Hopped on a plane and went to Columbus, Ohio to attend North America’s largest horticultural trade show, Cultivate. It was like Walt Disney and Luther Burbank got together and threw …
Gardenia, Jasmine, and dear Sweet Alyssum,Names so lovely, you surely want to kiss ‘em.Rose of Sharon, Lily of the Valley, and oh…so many others,Plants named with tender care, by our …
Ugh…trash day. Just before dawn, I lug two bags, heavy with used kitty litter, to the street. My mind is numb, heavy with daily worries, as I lean over and …
(Note from Neil: I opened up my e-mail Tuesday morning. It caught me off guard. But then I realized that our buddy Steven is living in the real world of …
I never set out to become a curmudgiculturist, but here I am. Sixty-one years into this game of life, forty-three of it playing with plants, and most days I wake …
I took a long stroll to take a solemn toll,Of what winter did to my garden.My neck turned red and much of what I saidIs unpublishable; beg my pardon. I …
Nothing like new beginnings. Fresh start…clean canvas…blank slate…whatever works for you. There’s that chance to write the first words in the next chapter of your life. Thrilling for some folks …