Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
What’s with all these maniacs and their gardens? Life is complicated enough without all this soil toil, this botanical bother, this horticultural hullabaloo. Who needs it?!?! I humbly present to …
My brain is still buzzing from attending the annual conference of the Texas Association of Botanical Gardens & Arboreta (TABGA). This year’s host was the Dallas Arboretum, and, like everything …
Do you believe in miracles? I mean…other than the obvious ones, like surviving a little drive up Hwy 75 in Dallas on any given Friday. I mean little miracles, everyday …
Mere days before Christmas and I haven’t bought a thing. No jewelry for my wife, not a necklace, not a ring. Yesterday, I got a phone call from the fabulous …
I was feeling pretty bummed out this morning because someone intentionally cut down the little Tulé Tree clone that I planted my first day at the Longview Arboretum. I had …
There is nothing quite like the moment of discovery. Sometimes it happens in a glorious moment, like watching the sunrise at the Grand Canyon. Other times, it’s finding your favorite …
Turning 60 on Saturday. Left my job. POD is packed. Cleaning up and selling the house. Closing on new house September 27. The move awaits like Kilimanjaro. New job starts …
People tell me they love Neil’s e-gardens because it’s so up-to-date. You have no idea… 3:13am Tuesday as I write this. Farewell party’s at 3pm Wednesday. This article will go …