Neil Sperry’s Lone Star Gardening • 344 pages and 840 of my best photos. • Hardback, printed on high-quality paper. • I sign every copy as it sells. • Covers …
Feeling a little “Grinchy” right now, For no particular reason. Thought I’d comment on the crazy comments That I hear from folks this season… “Chestnuts roasting on an open fire…” …
1:53am…the beast emits a low, guttural growl, enough to rouse me from a peaceful slumber into a blind panic. I stumble down the pitch-black hallway into the dim light of …
Life is full of events I don’t expect…like taking 608 photographs of my 900-mile road trip and finding out that, via a memory card mix-up, I’ve just deleted them all. …
It was about Noonday. Neil Sperry and I were somewhere between Abbott and Zunkerville on our drive across Texas, when we had a Blowout. Neil looked at the Flat Tira …
I was visiting a private garden one day, accompanied by two busloads of other garden writers—ironically, each of us trying to get photos of the garden with no one else …
4:07 am…Mowed the walking path through my meadow last night. Earbuds in, kd lang singing her heart out, and the deep, vibrating drone of the engine underneath…it was magical. Wildflowers, …
Following my own advice right now…”When you don’t know what to write, just start writing…anything. It will eventually come to you, and you can just delete the gibberish at the …